
Press TV interview with Chavez
Wed, 04 Jul 2007 05:08:34

In an interview with Iran's newly launched Press TV, Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez has commented on a number of issues particularly
the South American nation's foreign policy. The following is the text
of the interview with the president:

Reporter: In his comments on website Globalization, the former
Venezuelan ambassador to South Korea, Julio Cesar Pineda criticized
you for developing relations with Russia, Belarus and Iran. He
objected to your policy of cutting relations with the West, Europe and
the US. What's your opinion about that?

Chavez: What you are referring to is our dealing with imperialism.
Close relations with the West was part of Venezuela's foreign policy
before the Revolution. In the past, Venezuela didn't have control over
its own foreign policy, its policies were dictated by Washington. We
were a US colony. Today we are independent and have developed a
completely independent policy, total sovereignty. We regard our
relations with Russia, Belarus and Iran as fundamental and important.

Reporter: What kind of impact do you think Venezuela's relations with
Iran could have on other independent countries?

Chavez: It is an example for other countries. In this year we have
signed 164 cooperation agreements in energy, industry, politics,
culture, science, education, health, etc. All these agreements are
aimed at solidarity, spirituality and cooperation. In that sense, the
results that we get from these relations will have a powerful impact
on other countries, for example in Latin America, Middle East, Asia
and Africa. Iranian technology and industries are now being used in
Venezuela, Venezuelan technicians are trained in Iran and Iranian
experts are training them in Venezuela. We were poor people, mostly
illiterate. Now we are progressing. The ties with Iran is by far
different from relations we had with the capitalists. Our
revolutionary economy is at the service of human beings. Right now,
Iran and Bolivia are talking over having the same relations with
Bolivia. The same happened in the case of Nicaragua. The relations
have had powerful moral, political and economic impacts on other
countries. The relations between Iran and Venezuela have its impact on
the whole world. That's why imperialists are so concerned about that.

Reporter: Mr. President. I've heard the license of the private TV
channel RCTV, which belongs to the Venezuelan opposition, has been
canceled by your government. Don't you consider this as a violation of
the freedom of speech in your country?

Chavez: The private sector is the West's capitalism. Through the
channel, they broadcast the poison that comes from the viewers' eyes
to the soul of all human beings and leaves very bad effects on the
individuals and the whole population. The alienation, the loss of
human values, the individualism, selfishness; everything is against
the human nature. The capitalists developed the TV channel in order to
distort the nature of the masses. In the West, you see how they
portray the Middle East, Arab and Muslim countries as vicious people.
The people in the West believe everything they are told. They think of
the US and Europe as the criteria for modernization and civilization,
the media there portray Iran and the Middle East as the worst terrorists.

We know that the world's most ancient civilizations were started in
the region, when no US existed.

If one seeks deep spirituality, he should come to Persia, but some TV
channels try to paint a barbarian picture of the people of the region.

The barbarian region is Bush's land. The barbarian imperialism is in
the US which never stops intimidating Iran. Today the US is destroying
Iraq and dividing Palestine as part of its imperialistic plots. The
Iran-Iraq imposed war was also planned and orchestrated in Washington.

The operations against Palestine are also managed by Washington and
atrocities against the Palestinian people are rooted in the Washington

The US is also threatening Cuba and Venezuela and so it is apparent
that the US is really barbarous.

The North American imperialism has developed a media dictatorship but
thanks to the newly lunched Social TV, Venezuela has survived it.

Last night, I was watching the football match between the Venezuelan
and Peruvian teams on Social TV but the weather was bad and the signal
was not good. At the end, I saw the match on an Iranian TV channel
that was broadcasting it.

Reporter: A few days ago, you were speaking about the idea of a global
revolution. I'd like you to elaborate on the issue.

Chavez: I have always said that we are in a transition period. Two
days ago, I was discussing the fact with a group of congressmen. A new
international order is being shaped and the Islamic Revolution and the
Venezuelan Revolution are playing key roles in this process.

Iran enjoys a very strategic geopolitical situation and Venezuela is
considered as the most important nation in the Latin America. We can
say that the two revolutions could contribute to a great dynamic

I believe new players will join the movement for a global revolution
which are expected to rise from among the Arab, Latin American,
Caribbean, European and even the North American nations.

I think that the movement would save the world from the threat that
comes from North American imperialism.

Reporter: And Mr. President, why did you choose to speak in Russia, as
you know Russia has its own interactions with the US, especially in
the view that both countries are G8 members?

Chavez: I didn't choose Russia. The foreign policy of Venezuela is
growing in all directions and we respect international policies of all

Yesterday Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia has relations
with the US, but the US has to respect Russia's friendly relations
with Venezuela.

Russia is considered as a world power. Not only President Putin, but
also other Russian officials such as the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov
talk strongly against the US imperialism. We also had a meeting with
Mr. Primakov, now chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries.
I also heard his speech against imperialism. This is very positive.

Reporter: Why the US and Europe are trying to stop Iran from
developing its peaceful nuclear program and is Venezuela interested in
nuclear cooperations with Iran?

Chavez: That is a pretext which the North American imperialism is
using in order to put Iran under pressure. We have the right to
develop nuclear energy since oil recourses will be consumed soon.
Venezuela could work in the future. At this moment, it seems to be
early for us. I am honored that this interview is conducted
simultaneous with the inauguration of Press TV.

Reporter: Thank you very much your Excellency.


PRESS TV: http://www.presstv. ir/news.aspx

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