Yogyakarta 2

Yogya were considered since then as special region and got it in 1950, the status of province as recognition for its important role during the independence fight. Yogyakarta were in this period from 1946 up to 1949 capital from Indonesie. Hamengkubuwono X gave large support to the reform process which lead to the fall of Suharto in 1998. after strong very of the local population he in datzelfde year it to prefer to governor. Museums In the different museums of Yogyakarta you can more to be possible come concerning the important role and history of the sultan of Yogyakarta during the independence fight. Such as there however also museums were expect of the cultural capital are presently where you can be absorbed in traditional and modern art of Java. Museum Keraton Yogyakarta In the keraton van Yogyakarta a museum is present that has been dedicated to late sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the father of the current sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX had been confessed a political character and LEADER in Indonesie. Hamengkubuwono IX were also the first sultan who opened the keraton for publicly. At the time of the independence fight he supported the voorvechters of the indonesian republic what made him very respected under the Indonesiers.
In the museum a part has been dedicated to its active role in the independence fight. Moreover is see there still kopien of the saint family familie-erfstukken (pusaka), gifts of foreign kings, gamelans, royal rijtuigen, and photograph of koninlijke the family and their tree-tame. The keraton find you in the centre of Yogyakarta.

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