Was time that was most exact to do all the matters that not could be done by you in gaps or the lecture of the school activity.
It was tolerable that you went on holiday while sport.
Dapet entertainment, dapet healthy also.
Read deh tips along with this.
If everyday rarely sport, the holiday pass would you had much time.
Set also aside some for sport please.
So your holiday will add pleasant, was full of the activity was at the same time healthy.
anywhere, you must him not left your swimming equipment in the house.
Like that had the opportunity to be able to swim has was waiting for everything?
Direct then get in
Be enough provided 30 minutes to swim beneran the rest of them might deh played.
Wanted personally or in a crowd also exciting how come!
Don't forget: brought soft shampoo although could be used every day, oleskan body lotion each completely swam to maintain humidity and skin refinement.
And make accustomed did peregangan the muscle before nyebur.
Not exciting would if just nyebur direct kram.
2, Skipping
Buat this one minor sport could be carried out by you anywhere.
Went on holiday to the mountain, the coast or the grandmother's house also could how come while sport skipping.
Please was carried out routinely each morning or in the afternoon before bathing.
Not need to many-many, 50 jumps then has was enough how come.
But was adapted also was the same the capacity yes, should be not forced.
Oh, don't forget also to carry out the heating or the muscle beforehand.
Congratulations tried ok!
Don't forget: with shoes kets especially sport although not moistened foot him, long the rope skipping also must be arranged.
Lest long or the abbreviation.
Spor one this also could be carried out anywhere and again cheap.
Could be carried out in the morning or in the afternoon around the hour 4-5.
Not need to very far, ran marathon?
Be around enough in the very close area there then.
Wanted more the spirit?
Ask your family's member to gather or the friend genk you also OK had.
While related and laughed-laughed definitely not would kerasa deh.
Don't forget: with special sport shoes jogging OK had tuh, always carried out the heating and peregangan the muscle, if wanted jogging more greated and

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