The meaning of live and died about Indonesian President

Soeharto, Indonesia's former president finally rest in peace in RSPP Jakarta on Sunday aged 86 at13.10 p.m (wib). Funeral for Soeharto at the Astana Giribangun family cemetery in Karanganyar, Central Java, on Monday, at about 11 a.m. President Soeharto led Indonesia for 32 years
What the meaning of this moment for people. It is an important question for how to Indonesians people to take good thing about the leaderships of Soherto. The balance of justification and opinion about him is good reason to make the young generation adoption. The media and press should saw white of black of Soeharto.
For humanism and a moral nation, forgive but not forgetten. Soeharto is two side different character. He is a man like us, but for one reason he is a president who take Indoensia 32 years to dark side of government. The meaning of live and died about Soeharto lives among a history of Indonesians civilization. Good bye Bapak Soharto. Thanks of you all contributions to Indonesians people.
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